Sonya Reed

Sonya Reed

Hello All!
My name is Sonya Reed, pronouns she/her. I am a Masters's Level intern working
towards my Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy with an emphasis on Systemic Sex
Therapy. For me, the idea of marriage is that two individuals choose to work together in a
beneficial and rewarding way, and at times, ideals clash. When discussing family, I genuinely
believe that family is the foundation and has a massive impact on the building blocks that make
up an individual’s character. However, I do not think that family is always biological. Family can
also be the individuals you choose to have as a part of your foundation. I have always had a
particular curiosity about sex. Why is there so much emphasis, standards, do’s, and don’t when it
comes to what sex looks like for you as an individual but also with a significant other?

My Introduction Video

I currently work with families and individuals who have developmental disabilities and
delays. I have worked closely with individuals with suspected/diagnosed disabilities and
developmental delays for nearly 20 years. My passion is creating a space for all individuals but
carving out extra space for those with disabilities and developmental delays. I believe that
everyone should have a right to therapy in whatever form they choose (i.e. Play therapy, Art
therapy, Music Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, etc). As an advocate and ally of
individuals with disabilities and delays, it is my passion to see therapy utilized more to address
the emotional, spiritual, and mental health needs of the community. 

I am also an advocate and ally to individuals who are a part of or allies of the LBGTQIA community. I believe that
addressing sexuality, gender, sexual diseases, or disorders should not be considered taboo. Sex
plays a huge role in the lives of most individuals, yet sex is hardly discussed in families, friend
groups, or therapy. It is my passion to change the way we think about sex, gender, disorders, and
diseases related to sex by creating a space to discuss ideals about sex/gender safely and why we
have certain moral or ethical convictions surrounding sex or gender.

I have over 10+ years of working with families within the middle of TN in varying capacities,
such as an educator, interventionist, and coach. My primary goal here is to encourage my clients
to know and understand their voice while being able to speak in a judgment-free zone. My
sessions won’t feel like therapy but more like talking to a friend who helps you formulate your
conclusions about the next steps when facing a challenging time. I strive to help clients
understand that change does not happen overnight but through reflection, consistency, and
vulnerability. Through various modalities that fit my client, I plan to aid them so they feel
empowered to float until they find their footing for the next steps! 

 Book an Appointment Today!

Here’s a more specific look at who I help:

• Children
• Pre-teens and adolescents (age 12 and up)
Couples/ Married/ Divorced Individuals or Families
Individuals with Developmental Delays and/or Disabilities of all ages

Adults struggling with: 
• Anxiety/Depression 
• Bipolar disorder 
• Sex Disorders/ Disabilities & More

Therapy Modalities Used :

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help patients manage
their problems by changing the way they think (cognitive) and what they do (behavior).
It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression. 

• Systemic Sex Therapy  

Systemic Sex Therapy (SST) seeks to address the cognitive thoughts, emotions, and
most directly the behaviors surrounding sexual behavior versus simply prescribing to
interventions grounded in just one of those areas. By utilizing an individual biology,
thoughts/processes, dyadic complications, family history/ foundation, encompassed with
socio-cultural issues they may face is the foundation of systemic sex therapy and truly
understanding relationships with sex.

• Internal Family Systems (IFS) Parts Work 

 IFS therapy focuses on helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective
and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by assisting people to
first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.
Learn more about IFS here.

• Attachment-focused therapy 

Attachment-based therapy is an approach to therapy that specifically targets those
thoughts, feelings, communications, behaviors, and interpersonal exchanges that
patients have learned either to suppress and avoid or to amplify and overemphasize
because of early attachment experiences.

• Emotions Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples 

EFT offers a systematic approach to reduce distress and conflict and to increase
tenderness and security in loving adult relationships. This model can help couples to
identify, understand, and alter negative interaction cycles within their relationship, as well as
strengthen the emotional bonds that make their relationship satisfying.

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Trainings & Education

BS in Child and Family Studies
Inclusion and Support of individuals with Disabilities and/or Developmental Delays
Anxiety for Children
Child Play Therapy Skills Training
Infant/Child Trauma Training
Grief- Child and Teen Training
DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Training
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training

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Contact Us Today

Note: Form inquires are responded to Tuesday through Thursday of business hours and with in a 48 hour window.


Find me on the map

Office Hours

Address: 7105 Peach Court Suite #110 Brentwood, TN


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



